Ruby Nation

Ruby Nation
Ruby Nation: The Webcomic

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Rebooted Superman

You've got your costume on inside-out. The trim goes on the inside. A Man of Tomorrow should be able to figure this out.


  1. It sort of explains why he's trashing the Planet.

    "I've had my uniform on all day, inside out, and NO ONE told me?!"

  2. alternately, it could be Superboy-Prime trying to look cool since his all-black look catastrophically failed.

  3. The Sinestro Corp couldn't make Superboy Prime cool. There's no hope for him.

  4. Honestly? If he was written so laughably over-the-top all the time, I'd probably like him a lot more. I don't hate him like others seem to; I'm fairly indifferent. Yeah, Johns actually laid out a fairly solid bit of motivation for him, but it's bland motivation, and pales in comparison to the other villains Johns rebooted or created.

  5. I've mentioned it elsewhere, but..isn't this just Ultraman's costume with S-shields?
